Ark's Ark

Sailing on the oceans of Tamriel in search of the dry land of the perfect Mod.

(And a better metaphor.)

Ark's Ark


Ahoy! Many moons ago there was a mod for Morrowind called "The Ark". It was somewhat good, and this was it's page, still linked to by many fine people! As luck would have it, I've managed to lose all my files relating to the mod. Problem, that. If you happen to have a copy, I'd love to get my hands on it again! Anyhows, the rest of this prehistoric page continues below. If you want to know what I'm up to these days, please swing by my somewhat more modern blog, Ark's Ark.

Being a modest and hastily knocked-up document pertaining to the currently equally modest Ark mod. I shall endeavour to keep this document up to date as best I can, with the current readme. I am attempting to be as painstaking as my unfocused mind allows me to be in keeping track of all changes, so don't expect this to be a thrilling read.

9th of September Update - A release! Figured I had the dungeon playable. It's been a good nights work, so uploading the fruits of my labour now. Be warned that the mod now has an extra pre-requisite. You must have armoured skeletons installed, or one of the many mods that uses it, such as Giants. You don't actualy have to use the mods. I just need the models to be there.

5th of September Update - Finally got everything up and running again, after the black-hat attack. Folk have been saying some nice things about my mod. Hopefully I'll get the dungeon half-decent, and integrated soon, with a quest or two.

Changes in Beta 1.1

The dungeon is more or less complete. I still need to add a bit of furnishing in there, and add the quests that give you good reason to go. It's on the bluff overlooking Caldera, right behind Baba Yaga's Hut.

I've changed the Madrigal's dock in Vivec for easier access for helper-npcs (Which as Beowulf generously pointed out, this mod is perfect for). It was a bit of a quick-fix though, and I need to make it a bit less ugly. I'll probably stay with what I have for now though, as it seems stable enough.

The current incarnation of the mod be Beta 1.1, available (Ah not actually anywhere right now. See above. I lost it.) Apparently the concept of seperate files for media, and esp, to make updating a smaller download was a bit confusing, so back to a full install. It's still very much an beta, but it does add some interesting things, while hopefully breaking nothing, and of course any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Please, please let me know if you experience any incompatabilities with this mod.

N.B. I do know how to make pretty web-sites, but frankly I'd rather spend my time working on the mod, hence the following is a hideous looking copy of the readme with minimal formatting.

The Ark Beta 1.1

An ecclectic collection of modifications, enhancements and additions, with the aim of facilitiating a fine tale of daring-do, with tragedy, comedy, tragi-comedy, comi-tragedy, and a whole lot of hats.

Working Features, or why you want this plugin!

  1. 2 Functional guilds, one good, one evil. Each has a mobile headquarters. Faction members can have the HQ travel to different locations.
  2. Oranges, a new alchemical ingredient, orange trees, and a new merchant which sells them.
  3. 2 other merchants selling useful things you might not have seen elsewhere.
  4. Minsc and Boo! Old friends from Baldur's Gate comes to Seyda Neen.
  5. A number of books added, comprising some of my favourite (royalty free:) works of fiction.
  6. One measly little quest.
  7. It's all very much a work in progress. See, as the building work continues. Updates dailyish.

First up. I assume in the design of this mod that you have all the official plugins. I can't think of a good reason why you wouldn't. I may not use anything from them, but they're installed when I'm making it, so be warned. That would be:

  1. LaFemme Armour. - New textures, meshes and icons. Not too powerful, and looks good. I am using this armour for some of my NPC's, so very necessary.
  2. Adamantium Armour - New textures, meshes and icons. May well kit someone out with this.
  3. Master Index- OK, I'm probably not going to use anythng from this one, but better safe than sorry.
  4. Helm of Tohan - Nice model which I might use for a custom helm.
  5. Area Affect Arrows - New kit, which may well show up as loot, and get shot at you.
  6. Bittercoast Sounds - New sounds, and a new animated graphic which I WILL be using.
  7. Entertainers - New sounds, mmmmm. I like sounds.

That's it for the Official ones. There are also two playermade mod that are required. That is:

  1. Leiawen's Wizard Hat Mod. It can be found at at many fine sites in the clothing section of the downloads. Quite frankly, I can't imagine a wizard without a decent hat. Expect to see many hats... Grab his Pretty Faces mod while you're there, as it's probably going to be needed the moment I need a female NPC who I don't want to look like a haggard old witch.
  2. Armoured Skeletons - Or a mod that includes it, such as Giants. Hurrah for scary undead bad guys!

Other mods may be needed at a later stage. I will of course only rely on mods which I know to be clean and stable. The reason for all this is that it basically gives me more to play with. I can't model for toffee, and I might want to kit an NPC out in distinctive armour or fancy weapons, or insert something extra in plugged-in building. I do apologise for the added inconvenience, but the truth is, as folk create wonderful things, if modders work in a vacuum we just end up contantly reinventing the wheel. And I like hats.

*But wait!* If you like surprises then you might want to stop reading about here. I've mentioned all the caveats and necessaries above this point. What lies below is a rather painstaking and dull list of everything this mod does, which may well reduce your enjoyment of this mod to read.

Changes in 0.1

What it does. Places a magical bottle in the Seyna Nede tradehouse which transports you to an internal containing my good friend Zoltoon Shadowspoke, gnome tinker supreme. Apart from his services as an enchanter and smith, and my first tentative steps with dialogue he also has a selection of spells comprising:

a) Most starting spells, for folks who didn't take a school of magic at startup but want some nice easyish spells to play with. I haven't given him ancestor ghost, because if folks are mean to him I want him to cast the spells below.

b) Two spells for summoning sphere centurions. So far as I can tell these summonings aren't available normally in the game. If they are then I'll hang my head and shuffle away, as it's the only good reason to use this :(

He also stocks journeyman quality security, armory, and alchemical kit (no ingredients. He's not a garden gnome), and a small selection of random enchanted jewelry.

Notes of problems: Zoltoon hasn't got a head. This IS intended. Though is sort of originally due to my not knowing how to assign new races body parts. It's part of the plot now, and am planning a quest to restore him to visibility. Can't really go making his brand of gnomishness playable til the body thing is sorted, which is a shame as I think the race is nicely balanced. *Update* Now quite aware on how to give him a body. Just not going to until I know how to make the old one despawn, and bring in a corrected one before the players eyes.

Changes on 0.2

A working faction that you can join. Other that modifications to certain other factions opinions of you, and getting you a little extra dialgogue from the gang it doesn't do much yet though.

The bottle in Arrile's now takes you to a ship interior. I'm no moddeler, and there doesn't seem to be a way of making insides of ships out of bits, so it's probably going to give you nasty flashbacks.


Arkenor's (There's actually two Arkenor's in the background. It's a bit complicated, but that's what happens when you leaping around alternate worlds, and the time-space continuum a way of life) made it back to the ship. Everyone's favourite tank mage will be happy to sign you up for the guild. He talks funny, but you'll get used to it.

Your old pal Jiub's back. "Quiet, here comes the guard!" And he's joined up with GL. Maybe he can fill you in on his recent adventures.

Zoltoon has lost his spell selling. Turns out theres a special book in the game that teaches summon steam centurion, and I don't wan't to cheapen that quest. Coupled by the problem where I don't seem to be able to persuade him to stop casting low-level junk spells in combat, then making like a knife fighter, and don't want to turn him into your one-stop shop for beefy death magic.

Been trying to balance them for combat. Still a lot punier on the damage dealing than I really want. Given them all a small selection of potions, seeing as the guild is wel kitted out with alchemists. Will continue that for any new guildmembers.


There are a couple of custom items kicking about the ship, if you desperately want to annoy the crew.

Changes in 0.3

A small update, that manages to quadruple the size of the plugin. Worth it though, I hope.

The crazy barbarian Jiub mentioned is none other than Minsc! Currently just pottering about by the signpost in Seyda Neen, he'll be joining you for an adventure or two later on. In fairness to evil-doers, the bad guys will also get a Baldur's Gate refugee to interact with. Obviously, Minsc isn't remotely my property, so if you want to modify him for your own purposes, go right ahead. He'd probably make a nifty hireable assistant.

changes in 0.35 (Figured I needed to slow down my version numbering a bit, lest I hit 1.)

The original rooms can now be reached through the locked door at the bottom of the ship. Nothing like a bit of extradimensional space on a cramped ship, eh? For testing purposes the key is in a crate on the top level of the ship, and isn't protected. In the plot it'll be given you when you reach a certain rank in the guild. GL are a bunch of bookworms, so I've added a number of my favourite (royalty free :) short stories and poems to Arkenor's library. Only the ones they don't consider to be damaging to the culture of Morrowind will be easily accessable to native Tamrielites. Heck, I know folks don't play Morrowind to read books, but if I can introduce someone to a good author so much the better. The Big Muh's readme for the jade panther kindly states that anyone may use it. So I have (with unique id's so I don't interfere with anyone else), in modified form :) Ark now has a hat, or at least he does if you followed my advice and are using Leia's wizardhat plugin.

Changes in 0.4

OK, this is where we start making big scary changes. I have de-activated the despawning of the character generation boat (in one of the chargen scripts.), and appropriated it for The Madrigal. The doors on that fine vessel now lead into the Madrigals internals. And one of the gates to that area has been unlocked. This does have the danger of allowing you to wander away from the rest of character generation if you really want. I don't recommend it, especially as plotwise it's not the Madrigal yet at that point. Once the Imperial Prison Ship has sailed off, the Madrigal sails in to take it's place. This is the first time I've run the risk of clashing with other plugins. So far as I know, no other mod uses the chargen boat. Might have trouble with plugins which modify the chargen scripts though. Specifically CharGenClassNPC.

For testing purposes the gate to the Customs and Excise compound has been unlocked. All the chargen collision thingummy's around the chargen ship have also been removed. I hope they weren't important... That done, the Madrigal now has a physical external presence. My next task is to give it multiple docks within the world. I don't know yet whether I can fix it so only one external exists at one time, or whether they'll all have to be going at once (Not like the player can check. It's a damn fast ship!). I'd prefer the former approach, if only because the challenge appeals :) Hmm, I wonder if it would be possible to make the ship physically sail from point to point. any ideas?

The bottle in Arrile's serves no purpose now, so has been removed

Changes in 0.41 - A couple of fixes for things that annoy me....

Alchemy Tweak : This will be removed if Bethesda ever get around to fixing alchemy. Human meat gain vampirism, so now vampirism potions are possible. Racer Plumes gain feather and light. Luminous Rusula gain Resist Magicka. Ash Salts and Ghoul Hearts gains Summon Ancestral Ghost (I'll have to test that actually works for potions in game.), and Violet Coprinus gains levitate. Bread and small kwama eggs I left with only the one power still. Also added oranges (Model and icon from the busy workshop of Lady Eternity). They're extremely high in Vitamin C, you know. A rather good alchemical ingredient were disease is concerned, lets say. :) I'll see if I can find a good model of orange trees. For now, theres a supply on board the Madrigal, for the prevention of scurvy. And a couple of orange trees planted near Seyda Neen, just over the bridge from Minsc. (these WILL be moved before the final) Not a lot of point making a big deal out of them, unless I can find a different looking tree..No-one would ever find 'em.

Made a number of currently non-playable heads and haircuts playable. Don't see what could go wrong with that. That'd be the head used by that chap who sorts your class out, and a selection of dark elf haircuts. Some of the cuts are a little grand for someone just getting out of prison, but might as well give you the option.

Ok, nothing too plot necessary in that update. Was learning how to do some new stuff, and figured might as well do...something :)

Changes in 0.5

Bumped up fVoiceIdleOdds from 10 to 30. I was getting annoyed by how rarely Minsc says his lines, and will be adding more talking characters too. Let me know if it gets annoying, or just fix it in your personal mod settings file (You do have one, right? Just make sure it's newer than ark.esp, and it'll overwrite my setting). Even with a 3-fold increase they don't say much though.

But surely that's not enough for a leap of 0.09 in the version? Indeed not! Lady Eternity has been kind enough to provide me with a custom model. Baba Yaga's hut! This will work in a similar fashion to The Madrigal.

The Ominous Musicball is making a temporary appearance onboard the madrigal, til I get the hut set up. It's a test item (Thanks to Lucan for making the model available. It's going to see less frivolous use before I'm through) for playing Mussorgsky's "The Hut of Baba Yaga" when you get close. But Evildoers might like to keep it in their lair. It's unowned, so feel free to wander off with it. Baba Yaga no doubt also uses it for scrying, but we can't, until someone comes up with a way to switch viewpoints. If you like the track, then check out his other work.(If you don't like the tune, but like the idea, overwrite BabaYaga.mp3 in your music folder with something else. Though the Baba won't be impressed with her new theme tune...).

It does give me an idea for a little series of mods which just place activators for the particular piece of music in appropriate places. Night on a Bare Mountain immedietly suggests itself. I'll leave that for someone else to try for now. Busy...

To protect folk from breaking character generation by wandering off (due to my necessary modifications to the ship) Bink has been kind enough to let me include a modified version of his quick character generation script. If, like me you're a bit sick of Jiub telling you to suck eggs, you won't mind too much I hope.

It occurred to me that folk not starting new games won't have the external of the Madrigal in Seyna, thus no way in, so I've put a magical teleport orange on Arrile's desk. The exit's from the Madrigal will still work. You'll just get a little damp :)

Changes in 0.6 - The Proof of Concept Edition!

The Madrigal now moves. Speak to Cap'n Travers on board, and if you're a guildmember he'll sail the ship between Seyda Neen and Vivec for you. Now I've got this working, it's a simple thing to do the same for more ports of call, and for Baba's Hut too. Simple but time-consuming... I'll look into moving the clock forward a few hours when it happens, rather than the current instant travel. I'm dead pleased, as it's the first decent script I've written, though still very simple compared with most. Mobile HQ's are central to the tale I have to tell... Finally, a home that moves with you. More destination's will be added, as time and inclination permit. If I can figure out a way that won't break anything, I might also make it so the Madrigal or Hut can travel to particularly good player made locations, (Should the creator desire it, or course). Not sure whether that'd have to be a little extra plugin or whether I could put it in the main one safely. I think I know how to go about the latter, though it would necessitate the player having heard about the location from someone in that plugin.

The Madrigal will no longer be in Seyda Neen at the beginning. It's now moored in the bay of Vivec, conveniently just down the slope from the Abandoned Flat, Ghost Who Walk's most excellent plugin. You can see it off the bow of the other ship in the bay, if you have trouble finding it. This small change means that The Ark will work fine with existing save-games. Yay!

I've decided to remove the character generation alteration. The less I mess around with pre-existing scripts, the more compatable it'll be with other plugins. And if folk are silly enough to wander off without getting a class asigned to them.... Mainly did this so The Ark'll work with my favourite star-sign plugin :) Thanks to Bink for letting me try his fast charactergeneration code anyway. I may come back to that at a later date, once I understand scripting better.

Baba Yaga's hut's first location has been tentatively placed in the area with all the steam pits a few minutes north of Seyda Neen. Got the skulls working properly now. (In the unreleased 0.55 version they did some very bad things). Behold my might. Might have to try to record a good soundbite for them. Shame they don't animate for lip-synching. I don't think you ought to bother Baba though, unless you're truly puisant. She might prove an interesting diversion for folk who've completed the main plot though. Other than Baba, the Hut itself is empty of interest right now. Hmm, and I haven't put an exit in yet. So don't go in there unless you have a means of escape.

Changed argonian waterbreathing to an ability rather than a spell, so it's on all the time. I know squillions of mods already do this, but heck.

Saw a post in the boards about feather and burden which made a lot of sense, so I've halved the costs.

Oh dear. The file size is already getting a bit large. I'll have to try to control my urge to put extra models in. I might switch to Rar compression if it looks like enough people use it. Shaves a bit off the file size. Going to see if I can squeeze babayaga.mp3 down a bit. (Morrowind is fairly intolerant of different MP3 formats, alas)

Changes in 0.61

Suran added as a destination for the Madrigal. Just sticking to places that a starting character could go from the silt strider first off. Also added a little teaser dialogue from the captain regarding what I hope to be a little plugin interoperability. Once the name of a location has been added to the players list of topics, the captain can sail the ship there providing:

  1. The designer of that plugin asks me to, and theres a dock big enough to hold an imperial prison ship. (That won't move in future updates, preferably).
  2. The name of the island is a topic that some NPC in their expansion uses at some point.
  3. I get around to adding it :)

Given that all incarnations of the ship are disabled bar one, and the captain'll only sail there if the player has heard of it, this ought to work. If I'm missing something, someone please tell me before I make a dreadful mistake!

If you have a stable plugin with a coastline, and want it to be a port of call for the Madrigal (or a suitable bit of wasteland for Baba's hut) then give me a shout, with the co-ordinates of where I may place it.

changes in 0.62

The code has been applied to Baba Yaga's Hut, and she's been granted a little more dialogue.The two locations are the steam pits north of Seyda Neen, and a bluff overlooking Caldera. Everything seems to be working dandy. Let me know if there are any problems. Once I have 4 or so basic low level destinations for the ship and hut, any more will require higher rank in the guild, a quest, or some other prerequisite. Evil, being the harder of the choices will have globes for summoning the hut to a location, if you left it elsewhere. these will cost gems though...

Advance warning, the armoured skeletons mod will be becoming a pre-requisite. It's been bundled with a few mods already, so you probably have it. I don't have the space to go bundleing anything else :)

Changes in 0.63

A little bit of cleaning up done in Tesame. Hopefully I wasn't too ruthless (I tend to zap anything I don't remember changing explicitly. Great for not breaking other peoples mods, not so great if I zap something I actually needed:). A friend playtesting my mod has problems with another plugin removing the caldera topic from Baba, but I haven't had time to study his long list of mods to find the troublemaker yet.

Also made the structure of the zip a bit more sensible. Also realised I'd changed the name of the zip file on my desktop, so I've been updating a file not linked to. Named it back, so the link up to really will link to the latest version.

Seperated the soundfiles into a seperate download, as it was a bit stupid for folk to have to download them everytime I just change the esp.

The hut and ship now have 3 destinations each. Going to leave it like that for a while, til I have the quests to unlock other destinations. Edwin has appeared in the hut, but has no dialogue yet, and the hut still looks rubbish inside.

Green Lodge members will now tell you where the Madrigal is moored. Bad Guys don't need this, as they will have a method of summoning the hut to it's location's (at a cost). To prevent losing the Madrigal, the good guys will have one dock, either Seyda or Vivec, haven't decided, where they can talk to an NPc and get the ship over there.

Removed my alchemy changes (except for the oranges), given Srikandi's new, and rather nice-looking alchemy mod.

Changes in 0.65

A Quest! Though not a terribly interesting one. Just getting my head around journal entries and the like. Did it without needing an extra script at least; all done in the dialogue result box. I've tested it, but if you want to take a peak, Nolan is doing a bit of pearl fishing off the island with the shipwreck south of Seyda Neen.

A third faction, the Trusty Traders. These lovely fellows are a cover faction for the Xth Pit. Once you rise a few ranks within it, then the Pit is revealed to you. To rise in it, you'll have to perform a number of increasingly morally grey acts. Thus you'll only get invited into Xth Pit if you've shown yourself to not be a goodygoody. It'll give good characters some moral dillemma's early on too, until it all gets just a bit too dark a shade of grey. That's the plan anyway.

Picked the Ominous music ball off the floor, and gave it to Zoltoon to sell. As a result he can now buy misc items too, though his funds are limited (as all my merchants will be. No million drake slushfunds here!). GL has better things to spend it's money on than the player's used tat anyway.

Changes in 0.66

Added Jayleb, Nolan's "gaffer" to Suran, by the forge. Apart from finishing off Nolan's quest, and signing folks up to the Trusty Traders, he also stocks a range of shields, and my own versions of the shield-bracer, as well as a nice (but hopefully not overpowered or too cheap) magical one.

Added Jayleb's opposite number, Zalia, to the clothier's shop in Suran. She sells wizard hats, both mundane, and magical.

Removed the changes to the feather and burden spells. I was breaking Ark's third rule of modding (again) - Keep content and rulechanges seperate!

Restored (using trusty Tesame) some of the invisible walls around the Seyda Need Ship. It was an unnecessary change to remove them. I'd restore the rest, but they're in the same cell as other changes I want to keep and Tesame doesn't seem to let me remove specific changes in a cell. It's all or nothing. When I figure out how to do it I'll put the rest back.

Changes in 0.68

Fixed a bug regarding travelling to Seyda Neen on the Madrigal. It wouldn't let you get back in when you got out :( Not sure where that came from, but I took the opportunity to make the Seyda stop off a bit cleaner. I'm proud to say that no original objects or scripts are changed in this mod at all, and Tesame agrees with me :)

I found the above out while testing the new destination for the Madrigal. She'll now travel to Vos.

It was suggested to me that the Green Lodge might have been a tad over-feisty in killing anyone who touches their oranges. In the interests of making it easier for folks to make The Madrigal their home, I've removed ownership from everything except the Staff of Swashbuckling, and the mysterious locked door on the bottom level (though you only have to be a guildmember for the door). As a result, I've changed some of the more generous random item containers into other things. I'm no home-designer, but I hope that helps.

Khuul added as a destination for the Madrigal.

Changes in 0.7

The Madrigal now sails to Wolverine Hall.

The magical wizard hats cost more, and have slightly higher AC.

Edwin now sells spells, and does spellmaking for evildoers. That's sort of making up for the fact I still haven't gotten around to making the hut nice inside, or added new locations for it. I suck at architecture, and I find locations while playing, and no-wheres jumped out at me for the hut of late.

Scripts have received the most work, steamlining them. And finally, I have a script in place to make sure that you won't get any peculiar floating doors in Seyda Neen, and if you start a new game, the only ship present in the world will be in Vivec.

With all the bugs out of the way I'm beginning to ponder some sort of basic release. Obviously theres much I want to do yet, but I think I'd like to get it out there, before some other guy makes a moving ship mod :(

Changes for Beta 1.0!

Oh yes. It's true, it's true. Time has come to tidy the old girl up, and release, so's I can get some interest, and feedback.

Several items tweaked. Range for Baba's music to be reset has been reduced. Probably just because I have to keep the AI distance low when I'm playing, but I got the feeling the darn thing never reset.

Pulled the test teleporting orange out of Arrile's.

Changes for Beta 1.01

I, ah, found a bit of a bug with the chargen ship vanishing at a bad moment. Fixed :)

Did a bit of work on the interior of the hut.

Changes in Beta 1.1

The dungeon is more or less complete. I still need to add a bit of furnishing in there, and add the quests that give you good reason to go. It's on the bluff overlooking Caldera, right behind Baba Yaga's Hut.

I've changed the Madrigal's dock in Vivec for easier access for helper-npcs (Which as Beowulf generously pointed out, this mod is perfect for). It was a bit of a quick-fix though, and I need to make it a bit less ugly. I'll probably stay with what I have for now though, as it seems stable enough.

Plans for the future incarnations. Kept somewhat vague to avoid spoilers.

  • Costs for moving the bases, and certain locations having to be "unlocked" though quests.
  • Hopefully pursuading my good friend Motakrosh to let me include the dungeon he's working on.
  • Incorporating my good friend Spud's House of Pizza and Pleasure.
  • A custom ship interior/exterior for GL's other ship, The Ark. It's a whole lot bigger, to the extent that the Madrigal will be moored inside it.
  • The quest to restore Zoltoon to full visibility. This will be optional to the main line of guild-quests for those that like him the way he is.
  • The opposing faction, the Xth pit (alarm bells might start ringing in the ears of any spelljammer fans). And all the gubbins that involves.
  • Keeping my eyes out for particulary interesting looking custom graphiced races. GL and Xth are both filled with (perfectly fantasy genre acceptable) freaks so far as most residents of Tamriel would be concerned.

I am steadfast in my belief that this is a clean mod. If you find otherwise please let me know. Any input or ideas would also be very appreciated.

Arkenor the Green -

Moddling in the affairs of Wizards!

Spoilers follow. If you'd want to play this mod and enjoy discovery, read no further!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Spoiler alert!

Humm, I hope that was enough.

The world of Tamriel is but one of many. Enclosed in a protective crystal sphere, it floats deep within the Phlogiston, far from the standard trade routes used by most space-faring races. However, the forces of evil, legion as they are, have found their way there. After a time of research, they have chosen Morrowind as the ideal location to start Legal slavery, mmmmmm. They're here, they've been here some time, and their plans are bearing fruit ...

Oh no! Will Tamriel be turned into just another slave world? What can we do? Who can we call?

While the planetborn often remain oblivious, many of the races, both good and evil, have a presence in space and maintain contact between the colonies on different worlds. (Albiet normally only at the highest levels. for reasons of secrecy.). There are many meeting, as so often the way. Meeting's of trade. Meeting's to discuss military matters. Meeting's you called just to so you could try "that new Kara-Turian restaurant that everyones talking about" on your embassy account.

There is a certain secret meeting, occuring irregularly, which is attended by officials from the good-aligned races, certain worldling nation ambassadors, and representatives of other good organisations. The purpose (Once everyone has enjoyed the take-out from that Kara-Turian restaurant, and caught up on gossip.) is to discuss worlds which might be at risk from external evil forces, but who have not yet fulfiled the conditions of the, ummm, Directive Primus.

The Directive Primus (Need to think of a better name :), as you might suspect, states that worlds must become aware of the existance of extraterrestrial civilisation by their own efforts. Until such time, the natural sociological and technological evolution of their world must not be interfered in. Frankly, it's a right pain, and gets in the way terribly.

Unfortunately the good gods are a bit insistent on it. Which gives the evil gods a good laugh.

Information had come to light that the Xth Pit ( a vast organisation dedicated to unpleasantness) had located a distant new world to exploit. Ordinarily this would merely be cause for sadness, and generall bitching about the Pit. However, several High Priests had received visions! Tamriel has, according to the powers that be (who speak both rarely and cryptically), reached an extremely important phase in it's development (Might just be a bit to do with the main game plot:), and the presence of external evil could tip the balance catastrophically. With implications in the long term for the rest of Wildspace. Thus, something must be done! Probably.

The official mission as set then is merely to deal with the Xth Pit.

Alas, the Elves had their hands full dealing with the Second Unhuman War, Cormyr was reeling from the death of their King, and everyone else had brought a preprepared list of excuses as to why their own forces couldn't or shouldn't intervene.Thus they would have to turn to an independent organisation.

It needed to be an group that served goodness, was space aware, and had the resources and experience necessary to stand a chance of success.

Enter the Green Lodge! They got asked to intervene here not because they are competent (though they are by no means incompetent), nor that they are powerful (though they are by no means powerless), but because quite frankly they're the only guys crazy enough to travel halfway across the galaxy to help some primitive little world no-ones ever heard of. Plus they've got their own ship and work for free.

Hastily assembling all members not currently involved in something really indepth or important, they've spent the last few months sailing through the phlogiston in their Spelljammer, the Ark.

Both sides rely strongly on secrecy. Being outnumbered on a global scale, and possessing the secrets and knowledge of a hundred worlds does that. Plus GL has that stupid Directive Primus thing to worry about.

And so it begins...

While not for purists this mod does little damage to the official Morrowind Mythos. All weirdness is from an external force, and everyone is trying very hard to not make it obvious that anything out of the ordinary is going on.

Wish list: Mmmm, if anyone ever makes models for illithids or neogi it'd be the greatest coup of all time...

Disclaimer, and Thanks!

  • Morrowind is the property of Bethesda.
  • Minsc and Edwin are the property of Black Isle. The sound files used are ones that were released by Black Isle for use in modding Infinity Engine based games, so I'm figuring I'm pretty safe using them.
  • Spelljammer, and probably any amount of other stuff is the property of Wizards of the Coast. Many thanks for their enlightened approach regarding their Open Source thing.
  • The Big Muh, for creating the Jade Panther and being nice enough to let any two-bit modder use it.
  • Lucan, for his freely available crystal ball.
  • Leiawen, for his most beautiful wizard hats.
  • Lady Eternity, and her extremely significant other, Proudfoot, for the fruit, and more importantly Baba Yaga's hut, which she made especially for me! And frighteningly quickly too.
  • Mussorgsky, for writing some darn fine music.
  • Baba Yaga, for not eating any of my direct ancestors before they'd managed to have descendants.
  • IAmHere for agreeing to add this mod to his monolithic pile, and warn me of any incompatabilities.
  • None of my own stuff is really of much use to anyone else in their own plugins right now. I don't model, or write terribly brilliant scripts. If you do want to use some of my stuff, give me a yell with the details, and unless you want to do something horrid we can probably work it out. I'm very interested in exploring methods of plugins interacting with eachother too, so if you're a modder with similar ideas, email me!

The Green Lodge. We may be fictitious, but we get the job done!